Individual awards

Individual awards

The Western Australian Training Awards recognise excellence in vocational education and training (VET) and the outstanding achievements of our VET students, apprentices and trainees, practitioners and training providers, organisations and employers. 

In addition to the recognition, networking, and professional development opportunities these prestigious awards bring, winners in eight different individual categories receive $3,000, and eligible winners also have the opportunity to represent WA at the Australian Training Awards in December.

Applications for the 2024 WA Training Awards open on Friday 1 March and close on Friday 26 April.

Keep an eye on our social media channels for all the latest news, helpful tips, and to follow each stage of the WA Training Awards program.

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Robert Nicolosi, WA School-based Apprentice of the Year 2023

Individual award categories and eligibility

Please read the following information for details about each of the individual award categories. For detailed information on the application process, download the Individual Categories Application Guide


  • WA Apprentice of the Year

    This award is presented to an apprentice who has been outstanding in all aspects of their training. 

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • be a permanent resident of Australia and be undertaking training in Western Australia;
    • have completed* or be due to complete your training in the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to the award you are applying for;
    • be registered with Apprenticeship Office as an apprentice or trainee** with a contract of training lodged in WA; and
    • not be enrolled at school.

    * This refers to the completion date on the training contract. If you have completed early through competency-based completion, evidence of this early completion must be attached to the online application.
    **To check if you are registered as an apprentice call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54.

  • WA School-based Apprentice of the Year

    This award is presented to a student who is undertaking a Certificate II or above qualification as a part-time Australian School-based Apprentice or Trainee. The Award recognises the student’s commitment to their formal studies at school, and in the workplace.

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • be a permanent resident of Australia and be undertaking training in Western Australia;
    • be undertaking/completing a Certificate II or above qualification, through a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship;
    • be registered with Apprenticeship Office as an apprentice or trainee* with a contract of training lodged in WA; and
    • still be enrolled at school.

    *To check if you are registered as an apprentice or trainee call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54.

  • WA Trainee of the Year

    This award is presented to a trainee who has been outstanding in all aspects of their training.

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • be a permanent resident of Australia and be undertaking training in Western Australia;
    • have completed* or be due to complete your training in the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to the award you are applying for;
    • be registered with the Apprenticeship Office as a trainee** with a training contract lodged in WA; and
    • not still be enrolled at school.

    * This refers to the completion date on the training contract. If you have completed early through competency-based completion, evidence of this early completion must be attached to the online application.
    **To check if you are registered as a trainee call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54.

  • WA Vocational Student of the Year

    This award recognises outstanding achievement by a vocational student in a course of study leading to a nationally recognised qualification.

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • be a permanent resident of Australia and be undertaking training in Western Australia;
    • be a full time or part time VET student but not an Australian apprentice or trainee;
    • have completed or be due to complete your training in the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification relevant to the award you are applying for.
  • WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year

    This award recognises the achievements of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student who is outstanding in all aspects of their training and demonstrates the importance of lifelong learning for themselves and their community.

    If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, keep in mind this award is not the only category you may be eligible to apply for. You may find one of the other award categories more applicable to you. Please check the eligibility for other award categories before applying. Remember you can only apply for one category. If you'd like to have a chat to the WA Training Awards team about which category to apply for, phone us on 6551 5155 or email


    You must:

    • be a permanent resident of Australia and be undertaking training in Western Australia;
    • identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; and
    • meet the eligibility criteria for any of the other student categories: WA Apprentice of the Year; WA Trainee of the Year; WA Vocational Student of the Year; or WA School-based Apprentice of the Year.
  • WA Cultural Diversity Training Award

    This award recognises the achievement of a culturally and linguistically diverse student who displays a strong understanding and knowledge of the vocational education and training system and demonstrates the relevance of lifelong learning for themselves and the migrant community.

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • have migrated to Australia (from overseas) after 1 January 2019 and reside in Western Australia;
    • be a full time or part time student or an apprentice/trainee;
    • either have permanent residency or any visa under Australia’s Humanitarian Program; and
    • have completed or be due to complete your training in the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 in a training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification.

    Applicants must verify that they have migrated to Australia after 1 January 2019 and reside in Western Australia; identify their country of origin; and whether they are a permanent resident or a visa holder under Australia’s Humanitarian Program.

  • WA International Student of the Year

    This award recognises the outstanding achievements of an international student undertaking a vocational education and training course in Western Australia.

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • be recognised as an international student with a 500/572 visa; and
    • have completed or be due to complete your training in Western Australia, in the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024, in a vocational education and training course that leads to a nationally recognised outcome or qualification.

    Applicants must verify that they hold a 500/572 visa, are enrolled in a vocational education and training course in Western Australia, and identify their country of origin.

  • WA Trainer of the Year

    This award recognises innovation and excellence by a teacher or trainer who is providing nationally recognised training to students at a registered training organisation (RTO) or in partnership with an RTO.

    Eligibility criteria

    You must:

    • be a permanent resident of Australia;
    • be a qualified teacher/trainer (as determined by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015), employed (or regularly contracted) by a Registered Training Organisation; and
    • have delivered training in WA (for some period) from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024 which will lead/has led to nationally recognised qualifications or Statement/s of Attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework national training system.

    All applications must be endorsed by the RTO and evidence of the trainer/teacher’s qualification must be submitted with the application.

Page last updated February 29, 2024